Doctrine ODM MongoDB using an OR query

Doctrine ODM MongoDB using an OR query

Hold on Cowboy

This blog post is pretty old. Be careful with the information you find in here. It's likely dead, dying, or wildly inaccurate.

This is no where in the documentation that I could find on Doctrine’s site. I wanted to do search with a criteria of OR.

For example, in pseudo code

Find all Events where (first_name like ‘Jim’) OR (last_name like ‘Jim’) OR (title like ‘Jim)

I searched, but the keyword of “OR” with Google doesn’t yield very good results.

Thanks to Jamie Sutherland at

Here is how it’s done

$result = $this->_dm->createQueryBuilder('HOD\Model\Person');
$result->addOr($result->expr()->field('firstName')->equals(new \MongoRegex("/^{$query}/i")))
    ->addOr($result->expr()->field('lastName')->equals(new \MongoRegex("/^{$query}/i")));
return $result->getQuery()->execute();