BASH. You’re not required to become a BASH guru, but you
, ls
, mkdir
, rm
, touch
). Youchmod
, chown
)Get a good terminal. On a Mac, the built in Terminal program is passable, but iTerm2 is going to be your bread and butter. On a Windows, who knows. I’m not sure, it doesn’t even support BASH, sorry, just the truth here.
On the command line of course
You don’t need a Git client. On every Mac / Linux, git
comes standard. Learn how to use the command line with git
git checkout -b new-branch
git add .
git commit -m 'my cool message'
git push origin head
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master
Do you know what each of those commands do? You should become familiar with git such that you don’t wind up in a git-tastrophe of code.
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.
— Jamie Zawinski
Maybe you’ve needed to parse a string of text to pull out or match on some variable. Searching StackOverflow turned up a regular express you think would solve your problems. How many people blindly copy / paste the solution into their app and have no clue how it actually works?
This is not you. You will learn how to make kick ass regular expressions. Most 10x devs are not level 99 experts, and you don’t need to be either, but you must understanding how they work, and how you can leverage them. All databases, coding languages, and scripting tools support Regular Expressions.
Go over to to start creating and learning reg exp today.
The internet brought the computer to life.
--- Shane Stillwell
You’re reading this blog post because of basic networking. Do you understand how it all works? Your computer (or hand held computer we call phones) made a request to find the Internet Address (IP) for Some self important DNS server who knows everyone said I could be reached at (Amazon Cloud Front).
Your computer said, “Great!, I’ll contact him directly”. Your computer made an HTTP request to the server at requesting the page /2019/02/22/essential-skills-of-a-kick-ass-developer/. In that request it sent some headers like “Here are the types I accept”, “Here are some features I accept”.
The server at responded with the HTML content of this page and also sent along some headers such as “Date content was created” or “What type of content” or “Content length”.
As a web developer, you’ll need to send some requests to a server sometime. Maybe REST, if you’re lucky GraphQL, dear lord, pray it’s NOT SOAP. You could use the capable Postman but we’re on a mission to rely on the command line. So instead we’re going to use cURL. It’s all you’ll ever need.
There are a million different cURL examples online. When you need to do something, just Google “How to do X with curl”. Have a look at to start learning.
This was just a small rant. I’m sure there are other hallmarks of an exceptional developer, but these are just a few I decided to commit to disk.
Keep it real.