Shane A. Stillwell

Go Watch

Sometimes, you just want to run your unit tests on file save. In your Makefile, insert a target for unitw using go run to run a program directly (like npx does for npm).

unitw: ## Watch Unit Tests
	go run go test ./...

Now you can use make to watch your tests on file save

make unitw


go run needs to have the version (branch, tag, commit hash) in order to actually go out and fetch the item. This doesn’t work go run go test ./..., since there is no version specified.


This didn’t work well with unit tests because it kept running the same code (e.g. I broke the tests, but the run all passed :(

A better solution


Rust based, install with Homebrew


watchexec -c -e go go test -v ./...

  • -c: clear screen before every run
  • -e: extensions to watch
  • go test -v ./...: this is just the command you want to run.

Works great