A handy little SQL statement
A handy little SQL statement
A Better Password Reset Token for 2020
A handy little SQL statement
After a Magento upgrade, refreshing the Magento cache gives a blank white error screen.
Aggregate module special characters
Appcelerator Titanium Twitter Birdhouse Failing because of HTTP
Be Shallow
The fastest way to Senior Developer - Build an app
Concatenate data from a query into a single row (Transpose)
Converting Audio to a CCK FileField content type for Drupal 6
Database design for product options
Deploying Drupal via CVS (including modules).
Developing in jQuery? Use $.dump instead of alert
Doctrine ODM MongoDB using an OR query
Doctrine Query Cache driver memcache when using ZFDoctrine
Drupal Auto Node Title for multiple nodereference
Drupal Mimemail missing embedded images [Solved]
Drupal Simplified Contact Form
Feature Flags v Environment Variables
Getting AngularJS and Zend Framework POST to play nice
Getting Jenkins ready for Node.js and AngularJS testing
Getting the Secure (HTTPS) url for Magento
Getting Titanium CurrentWindow To Work Under CommonJS
Google Optimizer for a Magento CMS Home Page
Hello Magento
Ignoring Files and Folders in Git
Improving my Vim environment with ctags and Tagbar
In Defense of Feature Flags
Incorrect error message when enabling resources.session.save_path
jQuery - Marking Current Link Active
jQuery selector takes a second argument that sets context.
Jquery Slideshow Plugin for Drupal
Learn From the Past
Lessons in Magento Today
Magento and Zend Server checkout redirect to cart [solved]
Magento broken USPS shipping rates after January 4, 2010
Magento built on Zend Framework
Magento Search error "Integrity violation" etc.
Magento Search Results
Magento Upload HTTP Error [SOLVED]
Markdown is the new WYSIWYG
Merging a branch back into the trunk with Subversion
Metamorphosis from PHP to JavaScript
Migrating Gift Certificates from Xcart to Magento
MongooseJS and the problem with adding new properties
MVC for Appcelerator Titanium (understanding Tweetanium)
One Reason Google is King
Password Reset Token Expiration
PDO_Mysql error with Zend Server and socket
Performing a 'like' match in MongoDB
PHP inet_aton to store IP address in MySQL Database
PHP SimpleXmlElement values into an array
Poedit and phtml files giving error from xgettext
Programmers should be lazy, but not at the expense of user experience
Realistic Goals For a Website
Rebuilding the iPhoto library
Search And Replace in Multiple Files Using Perl
Setup PHPunit for testing Zend Framework application
Should you point bugs when doing sprint planning?
[Solved] Drupal.org is not working on my home DSL connection.
Some really good parts about JavaScript
SVN add all unversioned files at once
SVN ignore in all subdirectories
Testing XHR in Appcelerator with SinonJS
The MEAN Stack
Thoughts on Zend Framework & Doctrine 2 Design
Three Things You Should Not Do in a Library
Time Machine Network Backup
Understanding Subversion Vendor Branching
Using Testacular with Jenkins for AngularJS e2e Testing
Weird characters after mysqldump export and import on new server
Apps I use and may be useful to you too
Why Vim
Working with SVN branches
Zend Framework Application Progress
Zend Framework Application Progress
Zend Framework - Doctrine ORM strange Zend Tool behavior.
Zend Framework Pagination
Zend Framework Resources
Zend_Auth and RememberMe cookie sessions